Thirteen members of Juma CHAG sit in a circle on a mat outdoorsLusayo Banda

Building Healthier Communities in Malawi Through Community Health Action Groups

In Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION improved malaria outcomes by enabling local ownership of malaria social and behavior change initiatives.
A mother secures her child under a mosquito netPMI/USAID

Equity and malaria: Who gets prioritized when a household doesn’t have enough mosquito nets?

A Breakthrough ACTION website helps program planners access insecticide-treated net use data to develop comprehensive and equitable malaria programs.
Top 5

Hit The Ground Running in 2022 With Our Top Five Resources

Breakthrough ACTION highlights its top five resources to help social and behavior change practitioners hit the ground running in the new year.

Breakthrough ACTION at 2021 ASTMH Annual Meeting

At the 2021 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene meeting, Breakthrough ACTION presents on social and behavior change tuberculosis and malaria.
A feverish child is treated by the community relayUSAID/StopPalu+/Flickr

Malaria Social and Behavior Change During COVID-19 Case Studies

These case studies show how Breakthrough ACTION and other creative programs re-strategized to overcome COVID-19 limitations on malaria prevention and treatment.

The Role of Community and Faith Leaders in Malaria Control and Elimination Part II: An In-Depth Orientation to PMI’s Faith and Community Leader Toolkit

Please join the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative and Breakthrough ACTION for a 1.5-hour, in-depth orientation to the Malaria Social and Behavior Change Toolkit for Community and Faith Leaders. This new, free toolkit will help your organization…

RBM Partnership Social & Behavior Change Working Group General Call

Join the RBM Partnership Social and Behavior Change Working Group for the upcoming general call on February 4, 2021 (9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. EST).  The February call will feature: Technical presentation on “The Business Case…
Homepage of the Malaria Behavior Survey

Malaria Behavior Survey

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This is a cross-sectional household survey of malaria-related behaviors and the factors that drive or inhibit them.
Phase 1 Define: Mine existing knowledge, Intent statement, Deepen understanding; Phase 2 Design & Test: Imagine, Refine, Prototype, Test; Phase 3 Apply: Implement & Monitor, Evaluate & Refine, Adapt & ScaleBreakthrough ACTION

Social and Behavior Change Flow Chart

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Using human-centered design principles, the SBC Flow Chart asks users to adopt a beginner's mind to identify new insights to solve public health problems.