In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Breakthrough ACTION collaborates with the Ministry of Health and various stakeholders to enhance social and behavior change capacity aimed at promoting positive health and development behaviors. The focus is primarily on women of reproductive age, pregnant women, caretakers of children under five, and young people. This initiative is part of a broader effort to improve health systems, increase access to quality health services, and provide timely risk communication in response to emerging and re-emerging diseases through Global Health Security activities. Breakthrough ACTION’s efforts in the country now emphasize technical assistance, capacity strengthening, coordination, mass media, and research to inform evidence-driven social and behavior change. Additionally, the project contributes to the COVID-19 response by increasing demand for vaccination and integrating vaccination activities at health centers and through mobile events.
Focus On
Cost Comparison Activity
A fun activity developed by the Breakthrough ACTION project helps couples understand that health care costs are not as prohibitive as they seem, while encouraging people to seek services.