The project has focused on working with the Government of Nepal to build institutional and technical capabilities in designing, implementing, and monitoring effective social and behavior change programs to reinforce child protection systems and engage communities—particularly schools and parents—to promote educational opportunities for girls. Breakthrough ACTION has proved that strengthening government capacity in SBC to understand and address health, economic, and gender norms can succeed at reducing child, early, and forced marriage. The project has engaged partners and community members in social and behavior change approaches, particularly human-centered design, to ensure child, early, and forced marriage-reduction efforts are informed and driven by local stakeholders.
Focus On
Adolescent Reproductive Health
Adapted and translated by Jhpiego under the USAID Adolescent Reproductive Health Activity in Nepal, the Empathways cards are included as part of the Adolescent Reproductive Health Mentorship Package and are used with young people during in-person health care provider mentorship sessions.