Two men during an Merci Mon Héros interviewJohn Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Can Social Listening and Social Media Monitoring Benefit Your SBC Activities?

This blog posts discusses ways family planning and reproductive health social and behavior change programs can use social media to gather information.
A man interviews another man on videoMerci Mon Héros
Two men during an Merci Mon Héros interviewJohn Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Informing social and behavior change programs using social media monitoring & listening (in English)

PHOTO CREDIT: ©Merci Mon Héros   Please join the Breakthrough ACTION and Breakthrough RESEARCH projects for a discussion on informing social and behavior change (SBC) programs using social media monitoring and listening. During…
A mother holding her babyU.Ozel.Images/Getty Images
WomenCambey Mikush/Photoshare

Accelerating Family Planning Demand Through Advanced Audience Segmentation

This blog post describes cases where advanced audience segmentation has been used to improve family planning outcomes in four West African countries.