Mother holding bowl for child to eat fromMohamad Al-Arief/World Bank

Building Behavioral Design Skills: Conversations with Breakthrough ACTION Innovators

Breakthrough ACTION’s work to build behavioral design capacity inspired a health official in Niger to develop innovative solutions for public health challenges.
Young mother with her mother and babyLusayo Banda, Breakthrough ACTION

From Child Bride to Future Nurse

Thanks to Breakthrough ACTION’s work to reduce child, early, and forced marriage, a teenage mother in Malawi was able to reclaim her dream of becoming a nurse.
Three people in radio station wearing Merci Mon Héros shirts

What Works in Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Part 2: Co-Creating with Youth

As part of a series on reproductive health (RH), Knowledge SUCCESS covered Breakthrough ACTION’s innovative campaign to improve youth RH in francophone Africa.
It takes a village: A shared agenda for social and behavior change in family planning

Updating the Global Shared Agenda for Social and Behavior Change in Family Planning/Reproductive Health

Breakthrough ACTION incorporated learnings from family planning (FP) programming pivots during COVID-19 into the new Global Shared Agenda for SBC in FP.
Young woman in Malawi helping with household choresLusayo Banda/Breakthrough ACTION

A Child Bride Reclaims Her Future

Breakthrough ACTION worked with a community action group in Malawi to rescue 28 girls from early marriages, including one who dreamed of becoming a teacher.
Jhpiego new staff training in Côte d’IvoireJhpiego for USAID

Empathways—Dealing a Winning Hand to Youth-Centered Health Services

This story describes how Jhpiego, a nonprofit, adapted Breakthrough ACTION’s Empathways to deliver youth-centered HIV prevention and care services in Africa.
Thirteen members of Juma CHAG sit in a circle on a mat outdoorsLusayo Banda

Building Healthier Communities in Malawi Through Community Health Action Groups

In Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION improved malaria outcomes by enabling local ownership of malaria social and behavior change initiatives.
Mother carrying baby girlArne Hoel/World Bank

Building Behavioral Design Skills: Conversations with Breakthrough ACTION Innovators

Breakthrough ACTION’s behavioral design training enabled a health official in Burkina Faso to design innovative solutions that address low ANC attendance rates.
A village health team member, plays the “Together We Decide” game with a coupleIrene Mirembe/IntraHealth International

Top 5 reasons you should attend the Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange

Breakthrough ACTION hosted an innovation exchange for reproductive health professionals from across the globe to share ideas and solutions.