A feverish child is treated by the community relayUSAID/StopPalu+/Flickr

Malaria Social and Behavior Change During COVID-19 Case Studies

These case studies show how Breakthrough ACTION and other creative programs re-strategized to overcome COVID-19 limitations on malaria prevention and treatment.
Word cloud about misinformation and rumors during health emergencies

The Dangers of Misinformation and Rumors During Health Emergencies

The Compass website has tools health professionals can use to address harmful rumors and misinformation during health emergencies.
Ebola : temps gagné = vies sauvées

Le temps gagné équivaut à des vies sauvées

Cet article de blog décrit comment Breakthrough ACTION a mobilisé les parties prenantes lors de l'épidémie d'Ebola de 2021 en Guinée.
Plusieurs personnes se rassemblent autour d'un stand de lavage de l'USAID dans le cadre d'une campagne visant à débarrasser la Guinée d'EbolaUNICEF Guinée

Voix des premières lignes : Breakthrough ACTION répond à l’Ebola en Guinée

Dans cette interview, les membres de l'équipe de réponse à Ebola de Breakthrough ACTION en Guinée partagent leurs expériences de réponse à l'urgence.
Ebola: Time Saved = Lives Saved

Time Saved Equals Lives Saved

This blog post describes how Breakthrough ACTION mobilized stakeholders during the 2021 Ebola outbreak in Guinea and presents lessons learned.
Several people gathering around a USAID wash stand as part of a campaign to rid Guinea of EbolaUNICEF Guinea

Voices from the Front Lines: Breakthrough ACTION Responds to Ebola in Guinea

In this interview, Breakthrough ACTION’s Ebola response team members in Guinea share their experiences responding to the public health emergency.
Men gathering outdoorsKnowledge SUCCESS

Vasectomy Advocacy: The Time is Now

This blog post talks about how including vasectomy in family planning programs helps them achieve global family planning goals.
Empathways cards

Empathways: Improving the relationship between healthcare providers and young people

This blog post describes how a card game that fosters trust between providers and their young clients helps improve family planning outcomes.
Group of women meeting in DRCMONUSCO Myriam Asmani

Intersectionality: How do we stay true to the content behind the concept?

This blog post explains intersectionality and urges those in the health and social sectors to apply this concept to their work.