Breakthrough RESEARCH, through work led by Avenir Health, is gathering, analyzing, and sharing evidence on the costs and impact of social and behavior change (SBC) interventions to make the case that investing in SBC is crucial for improving health and advancing development. The project is:

  • Reviewing and synthesizing existing literature on SBC program effectiveness, costs, cost-effectiveness, and cost-benefit analysis.
  • Developing and piloting costing guidelines for donors, implementing organizations, and researchers for collecting and analyzing SBC cost data.
  • Developing modeling approaches to estimate SBC cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit ratios using existing country-level data.

The activity provides an evidence-based rationale for donors, policymakers, and program managers to invest in SBC and makes guidance available to program implementers in other health and development sectors to analyze the costs, cost-effectiveness, and cost-benefit of their own programs.

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Breakthrough RESEARCH has worked to build the evidence base on the cost-effectiveness of SBC for family planning and other health areas through four main interrelated streams of work:

Developing SBC Costing Guidelines

Making the Business Case for SBC

Creating a SBC Cost Repository

Fostering a Community of Practice for SBC Costing

An OB-GYN counsels a young married couple on contraceptive choices

Activity Snapshot

Lead Research Partners
Avenir Health and Population Council

Anticipated Timeline

Geographic Location

Nicole Bellows