2018 International Social and Behavior Change Communication Summit

Nusa Dua , Indonesia

The 2018 International Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Summit featuring Entertainment Education is organized to better understand what works in shifting social norms, changing behaviors and in amplifying the voice of those who have most at stake in the success of development efforts. It is designed to wrestle with the profound issues of social justice and agenda setting that affect these decisions. Who decides, for example, what behaviors need changing or which norms should be shifted? How can people’s realities and voices be put at the center of such change? How much emphasis should be placed on shifting norms and […]

Creating Connections and a Rich Sense of Community: Springboard Members Event

Nusa Dua , Indonesia

Do you need stronger connections with other social and behavior change (SBC) professionals? Do you want to feel more of a sense of community on Springboard? Come learn how to make Springboard your community, a welcoming space where SBC professionals engage, share, and celebrate successes together. During this members-only event, you will: Hear what community building experts have to say about what members can do to create engaging, welcoming communities. Learn what other successful communities have done to strengthen connections and foster engagement. Gain community building skills. Network with other SBC professionals from your area and make joint commitments for […]

Mission Mosquito: Global Health Security and Public Communication Forum

U.S. Institute of Peace 2301 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC

Mosquitoes spread more disease to humans than any other animal. How can we make mosquito control and prevention everyone's mission? The U.S. Department of State is hosting a Public Health Forum as part of efforts to support goals of the Global Health Security Agenda to improve international preparedness to respond to infectious disease threats. The World Health Organization and the Global Health Security Agenda recognize that health risk communication is a pillar of any effective strategy for controlling the spread of vector-borne disease. missionmosquito2018.com

Springboard Live Q&A: Strategic Communication for Hormonal Contraception and HIV

Want to know more about how the use of hormonal contraceptives might impact acquisition of HIV? Do you have questions about how to communicate with audiences about linkages between hormonal contraceptive use and HIV? Get answers to your questions during Springboard’s next Live Question and Answer session! On May 31 from 8-10 am EDT, Springboard will host a live Question and Answer session on Strategic Communication for Hormonal Contraception and HIV. The following experts will be available to answer your questions: Nithya Mani - Branch Chief, Integrated Services Branch and Key Populations and Human Rights, Office of HIV/AIDS, USAID Lynn […]

Roll Back Malaria Social and Behavior Change Communication Working Group 5th Annual Meeting

Lusaka, Zambia

  The RBM Partnership's Social and Behavior Change Communication Working Group's Annual Meeting will be held from September 25-27, 2018 in Lusaka, Zambia. Each year, the SBCC WG's Annual Meeting brings together malaria SBCC professionals from around the world to highlight best practices and new approaches, as well as share lessons learned and common challenges. This meeting is a rare face-to-face forum through which the working group can grow and strengthen the network of malaria practitioners who work to implement evidence-based SBCC. Registration for this year's meeting is now open. For more information about the meeting, including a preliminary meeting schedule and hotel accommodations, […]

Fifth International Conference on Family Planning

Kigali, Rwanda

The International Conference on Family Planning serves as a strategic inflection point for the family planning and reproductive health community worldwide. It provides an opportunity for political leaders, scientists, researchers, policymakers, advocates, and youth to disseminate knowledge, celebrate successes, and identify next steps toward reaching the goal of enabling an additional 120 million women to access voluntary, quality contraception by 2020. The fifth International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, from November 12 to 15, 2018. The 2018 ICFP will be co-hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health and the Ministry […]

Francophone Africa Social and Behavior Change Summit: Addressing Barriers in RMNCH+N

Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

The Francophone Africa Social and Behavior Change Summit will provide a much-needed platform to address barriers in reproductive, maternal, neonatal, and child health and nutrition (RMNCH+N). Scheduled for February 2019 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, the event will gather social and behavior change (SBC) practitioners and professionals from implementing partners, service delivery partners, ministry and national coordinating agencies, local and international NGOs, local media and marketing firms, research and academic institutions, youth organizations, faith-based organizations, and donors. Hosted by Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, the Francophone Africa SBC Summit will help cement professional networks, provide opportunities for participants to learn […]

Le Sommet Francophone pour le Changement Social et de Comportement: Surmonter les obstacles en santé reproductive, maternelle, néonatale, de l’enfant, ainsi que de nutrition

Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

Le pouvoir collectif a la capacité de transformer les structures sociales et est au cœur du développement. Le changement social et de comportement (CSC) engage et soutient les personnes dans le but de former un collectif afin de surmonter les défis du développement tels que la pauvreté, l’accès et l’utilisation des soins de santé de qualité. Les programmes de CSC contribuent à générer la demande de services de la santé reproductive, maternelle, néonatal, infantile et de nutrition (SRMNI + N), à soutenir les pratiques de comportements positifs, et à amplifier la portée des voix pour relever les défis auxquels l’Afrique […]

Malaria SBC Evidence Discussion: Mobilization and Supportive Supervision

How can research findings inform and improve social and behavior change (SBC) programs? What questions can SBC practitioners keep in mind to help sift through research, interpret publications, and apply lessons learned? Join Breakthrough ACTION for the second in a series of online guided discussions following a “journal club” format about malaria SBC evidence on Wednesday, March 6, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. (EST). More information about the article and how you can prepare for and participate in the online discussion is found below. Featured presenter Dr. Ashis Das, Public Health Specialist, World Bank About the article In the article Strengthening malaria […]