Please join Breakthrough RESEARCH , on 30 June at 10:00 a.m. EDT as we discuss the results of our Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) program in Chipata, Zambia.
Breakthrough RESEARCH, led by ideas42 and in collaboration with Safe Motherhood 360+ and the Chipata District Health Office, piloted a package of solutions designed to address behavioral barriers inhibiting providers from consistently providing RMC in Zambia. We’ll be discussing the behaviorally-informed, low-cost solutions we tested and evaluation results on their effectiveness. This webinar is intended for programmers, policymakers, and researchers interested in learning about practical approaches to promote RMC in low-resource settings.
Breakthrough RESEARCH is the United States Agency for International Development’s flagship project for SBC research and evaluation. We support countries to improve health and development by equipping governments, implementing partners, service delivery organizations, and donors with the data and evidence they need to integrate proven and cost-effective social and behavior change approaches into their programs. Breakthrough RESEARCH is a consortium led by Population Council in partnership with Avenir Health, ideas42, Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University, Population Reference Bureau, and Tulane University.
RSVP now and hope to see you there!