Informing social and behavior change programs using social media monitoring & listening (in English)


PHOTO CREDIT: ©Merci Mon Héros   Please join the Breakthrough ACTION and Breakthrough RESEARCH projects for a discussion on informing social and behavior change (SBC) programs using social media monitoring and listening. During this webinar, presenters will provide an overview of social media monitoring and social listening as well as its useful application to inform a youth-led mass and social media campaign currently implemented in Francophone West Africa called “Merci Mon Héros.” Presenters will share findings and lessons learned from these innovative methodologies and their application for adaptive management and evaluation of SBC campaigns. This webinar will inform partners implementing […]

Encouraging Family Planning Counseling that Promotes Meaningful Choice

Despite recent gains in the use of modern contraceptives around the world, many women are still dissatisfied with their family planning methods and discontinuation remains high, particularly amongst postpartum women. In close collaboration with health workers, postpartum women, implementers, and policymakers in Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION developed a package of evidence-based, low-cost solutions to improve the quality of family planning counseling using behavioral design. Join us to learn more about the solutions and their impacts on women’s and provider’s behaviors. PRESENTERS Ely McElwee, Senior Associate, ideas42 Abigail Sellman, Senior Associate, ideas42 Want to learn more?   Read all about our work […]

SBC for Service Delivery Community of Practice: Welcoming New Members and Looking Ahead

Since 2019, the Social and Behavior Change for Service Delivery Community of Practice has brought together professionals committed to improving the practice of integrating social and behavior change (SBC) across the reproductive health service continuum. Members have the opportunity to overcome the silos that separate SBC and service delivery professionals and be on the cutting edge of thinking to expand the impact of SBC for reproductive health service delivery programs. Together, the group has developed a shared agenda outlining priorities and commitments, implementation guidance for the Circle of Care Model, an indicator bank for measuring SBC for service delivery activities, and several other […]

Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange In-Person Event

Breakthrough ACTION is hosting the Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange to highlight breakthrough, interactive solutions that use social and behavior change to improve service delivery. The exchange will provide attendees with hands-on opportunities to explore, ask questions, and discuss practical applications of impactful social and behavior change for family planning and reproductive health service delivery activities. How can you participate? Registration is required, as we have limited space. If you are in MD, VA, or DC, register to attend the event in person. Capacity is limited. If tickets are sold out, register to be added to the waitlist. If you are […]

Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange Virtual Event

Breakthrough ACTION is hosting the Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange online on August 10, 2022, to highlight breakthrough, interactive solutions that use social and behavior change to improve service delivery. This online event will provide attendees with opportunities to explore, ask questions, and discuss practical applications of impactful social and behavior change for family planning (FP) and reproductive health service delivery activities. This online event will feature 16 innovative solutions aimed at improving family planning service delivery. See table below for the titles and descriptions. How can you participate? Register here to join this online event. L'interprétation en français sera disponible. […]

Showcasing the power of cognitive behavioral therapy at the intersection of mental health and family planning


Postpartum depression impacts the health and well-being of new mothers, their infants, and their families and has a significant influence on family planning (FP) intentions. While depression and anxiety symptoms are associated with increased unmet need for FP and low contraceptive use postpartum, solutions promoting the integration of mental health into maternal, newborn, and child health services are scarce. Join Breakthrough ACTION to discuss promising results from a randomized controlled trial conducted in Ethiopia, demonstrating how cognitive behavioral therapy improved postpartum mental health and supported women in realizing their reproductive health intentions with implications more broadly for maternal, newborn, and […]