In Mali, Breakthrough ACTION is working with and through local champions to make RCCE responsive to the needs of people with disabilities.
Closing the knowledge and behavioral gaps around zoonotic diseases can ensure safer coexistence between animals and people in Zambia.
En Guinée, Breakthrough ACTION transforme la CREC en adoptant une approche à trois volets pour intégrer la dimension de genre.
In Guinea, Breakthrough ACTION is transforming risk communication and community engagement by taking a three-pronged approach to integrating gender.
La campagne multicanal de prévention de la rage « Super Ami des Chiens » vise à promouvoir des interactions sûres entre les enfants et les chiens.
Breakthrough ACTION's “Super Ami des Chiens” multi-channel rabies prevention campaign aims to promote safe interactions between children and dogs.
Breakthrough ACTION established a vaccine ambassador community engagement program in Bangladesh to raise awareness and counter misinformation about COVID-19.
This blog post describes three opportunities to leverage behavioral insights to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake rates in low-resource settings.
The Compass website has tools health professionals can use to address harmful rumors and misinformation during health emergencies.
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