Getting to Equal: Men, Gender Equality, and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Protected: Getting to Equal: Men, Gender Equality, and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

This report attempts to shift global discourse on men and sexual and reproductive health and rights among practitioners, funders, academics, and policymakers toward a more holistic, gendered, and relational understanding of sexual and reproductive…
Needs Assessment Package for Male Engagement Programming

Protected: Needs Assessment Package for Male Engagement Programming

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This package is designed for use by individuals, organizations, and donors interested in carrying out a needs assessment to identify gaps in male engagement programming related to HIV and AIDS prevention, care, treatment and support in order…
Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Protected: Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

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This tool is a living document that provides guidance on good partnership practices that promote strong relationships between civil society organizations and government representatives on engaging men and boys in gender equality and sexual and…