Essential Considerations for Engaging Men and Boys for Improved Family Planning Outcomes

Protected: Essential Considerations for Engaging Men and Boys for Improved Family Planning Outcomes

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The purpose of this document is to increase understanding of the role that gender plays in family planning with a focus on men and boys, articulate a framework for male engagement that incorporates the transformation of inequitable gender norms…
Male Engagement in Family Planning Indicator Brief

Protected: Male Engagement in Family Planning Indicator Brief

This brief outlines 15 key indicators that ministries of health and organizations can use to inform the monitoring and evaluation of programs that encourage male engagement in family planning.
Family Planning and Reproductive Health Indicators Database

Protected: Male Engagement in Family Planning Indicators Database

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The Family Planning and Reproductive Health Indicators Database provides a comprehensive listing of the most widely used indicators for evaluating family planning and reproductive health programs in low- and middle-income country…
Male Engagement in Family Planning: Gaps in Monitoring and Evaluation

Protected: Male Engagement in Family Planning: Gaps in Monitoring and Evaluation

This review makes several recommendations on how to improve the monitoring and evaluation of male engagement in family planning (FP) programs: using a standardized definition of male engagement in FP; including male engagement in national FP…
Male Engagement in Family Planning: Gaps in Monitoring and Evaluation

Protected: Male Engagement in Family Planning: Gaps in Monitoring and Evaluation

This review makes several recommendations on how to improve the M&E of male engagement in FP programs: using a standardized definition of male engagement in FP; including male engagement in national FP and RH strategies; using strong, high-quality…
Needs Assessment Package for Male Engagement Programming

Protected: Needs Assessment Package for Male Engagement Programming

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This package is designed for use by individuals, organizations, and donors interested in carrying out a needs assessment to identify gaps in male engagement programming related to HIV and AIDS prevention, care, treatment and support in order…
Reflection and Action Tool: Integrating a Life Course Approach in Programming with Boys & Men for Gender Equality

Protected: Reflection and Action Tool: Integrating a Life Course Approach in Programming with Boys & Men for Gender Equality

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The Integrating a Life Course Approach in Programming with Boys & Men for Greater Gender Equality tool (“Reflection and Action Tool” for short) helps users apply a life course approach to programming with boys and men. Its purpose is to…