REAL Fathers Initiative Implementation Guidelines for Adaptation and Use
English Do, Care, Know Uganda Parents/Caregivers Gender Norms, Maternal and Child Health, Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion, Gender-based Violence Toolkit Small Group Sessions Agent of Change, PartnerThe Responsible, Engaged and Loving (REAL) Fathers Initiative was originally developed and evaluated as a program to prevent harsh discipline of young children and intimate partner violence, REAL Fathers engages young men as they enter into…

Tested Solutions for Engaging Men in Family Planning
English Do, Care Uganda Men, Couples, Healthcare Providers/Staff Sexual and Reproductive Health, Family Planning Toolkit Small Group Sessions, Interpersonal Communication, Provider Behavior Change Client/User, Partner, Agent of ChangeThis design primer details the components of the behaviorally informed intervention used in The Scale-up and Capacity Building in Behavioral Science to Improve the Uptake of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services (SupCap) project in…

GREAT Project How-To Guide
English Do, Care, Know Uganda Community Health Workers, Community Members, Adolescent Girls, Adolescent Boys Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender-based Violence Toolkit Mass Media, Community Engagement, Small Group Sessions Agent of Change, Partner, Client/UserThe Gender Roles, Equality, and Transformations (GREAT) project is an evidence-based intervention that succeeded in improving gender norms related to sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence This GREAT How-to-Guide is written…

Engaging Boys and Men in Gender Transformation: The Group Education Manual
Spanish, English, French, Portuguese Do, Care, Know Tanzania, Eswatini, Kenya, Botswana, Uganda, India, Ghana, South Africa, Brazil Men Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender-based Violence, HIV, Gender Norms Facilitator Manual Small Group Sessions, Gender-transformative Agent of Change, Partner, Client/UserThis is an educational manual for working with men to question non-equitable views about masculinity and develop more positive attitudes to prevent unhealthy behaviors that put them and their partners and families at risk. It can also be used…

Stepping Stones and Stepping Stones Plus Manuals
English Do, Care, Know Uganda Women, Men, Adolescent Girls, Adolescent Boys Gender-based Violence Facilitator Manual Community Engagement, Small Group Sessions Partner, Agent of ChangeStepping Stones and Stepping Stones Plus, is a wholly revised and updated evidence-based gender-transformative program which supports younger and older men and women aged 15 years plus to develop their communication and relationship skills and…