The Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map is a thinking tool to help those working in family planning and reproductive health:
- Understand and consider diverse factors that influence facility-based provider behavior
- Understand how those factors interact with one another in a system
- Think more holistically about provider behavior change (PBC)
- Design, implement, and evaluate more supportive, effective PBC initiatives
The Ecosystem Map presents healthcare providers as people whose behavior is influenced by many factors at multiple levels of a system. It emphasizes the need for systemic thinking and supportive action when designing and implementing PBC programming. Using the ecosystem map is a first step in the design—or adjustment—of supportive provider behavior change initiatives.
The Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map is available in both English and French.
Learn to Use the Ecosystem Map
Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map
Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map Guide [PDF]
Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map Brief [PDF]
Prioritization Worksheet [PDF]
Provider Behavior Change Toolkit
La carte de l’écosystème de comportement des prestataires
Comment utiliser la carte de l’écosystème
Comportement du prestataire : Résumé de la carte de l’écosystème [PDF]
Fiche de travail [PDF]