From 2019 to 2024, Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria trained 659 Ward Development Committees to plan, fund, and implement Community Health Action Resource Plans. The project supported the committees in implementing their plans in two stages. The first stage focused on delivering immediate benefits to the community, such as free emergency transport to health services for pregnant women and children under five and for other emergencies, delivery kits for pregnant women, funds to renovate health facilities and procure commodities, and community health information boards to track data. The second stage focused on strengthening committee capacity by addressing gender disparities in health care through tailored training and by forming Gender Economic and Empowerment Committees, equipping Ward Development Committees with social and behavior change resources to promote health-seeking and preventive behaviors, strengthening committees’ financial management skills, training them in decision-making and stakeholder collaboration, and encouraging community involvement in decision making.

Training Package and Community Engagement Tools

This training package was created for individuals and groups working on community-led health interventions. It contains manuals for both facilitators and participants, along with accompanying tools that provide practical guidance for community engagement, identifying issues, and developing community health action resource plans.

Mobilizing Communities for Health and Social Change
Fostering Leadership in Community Development
Community Dialogue Tools for Leaders
Ward Development Committee Gender Champions

Impact Stories