Breakthrough RESEARCH conducted a mapping of family planning (FP) investments, technical approaches, and indicators in the four WABA/Amplify-FP (another USAID-funded project) countries to better understand the FP landscape in the region and, ultimately, contribute to improving social and behavior change (SBC) measures.

Related products

Technical report: “Strengthening Social and Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa,” describes technical approaches and indicators used for measurement and makes recommendations for countries, implementing partners, and donors regarding SBC measurement

Excel file listing all indicators collected across 55 stakeholder/projects interviewed in the region

PowerPoint presentation: summarizing FP investments in the region.

Programmatic research brief: provides a less technical summary of Strengthening Social and Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa [English │ French]

Programmatic research brief: Highlights Twelve Recommended SBC Indicators for Family Planning [English │ French]

Reference sheets for Twelve Recommended SBC Indicators for Family Planning [EnglishFrench]

Technical Reference Sheet: Using the Provider Authoritarian Attitude Scale [Reference sheetDo file]

Global Webinar: Discussion of “Is Better Measurement the Key to Increased Investment in Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa?” [English: SlidesWebinar, French: SlidesWebinar] 18 August 2020

Blog post: “Is better measurement the key to increased investment in social and behavior change for family planning in Francophone West Africa?”

Blog post: “Aligning measures of social and behavior change for family planning” [Go to Knowledge Success website for English or French]

A mother and her baby son smile in Niger

Activity Snapshot

Collaborating Partners
Ministries of Health of Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, and Togo; Breakthrough ACTION; Amplify-FP; and in-country research institutions

Anticipated Timeline
August 2019 – August 2022

Geographic Location
Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, and Togo

Leanne Dougherty

More information on Breakthrough RESEARCH’s family planning activities in Francophone West Africa