
A feverish child is treated by the community relayUSAID/StopPalu+/Flickr

Malaria Social and Behavior Change During COVID-19 Case Studies

These case studies show how Breakthrough ACTION and other creative programs re-strategized to overcome COVID-19 limitations on malaria prevention and treatment.
KAP COVID Dashboard: Country profiles with demographic disaggregations

KAP COVID Dashboard: Trust

This page has a set of reports from a 2020 global survey on knowledge, attitudes, and practices around COVID-19. These reports focus on the element of trust.


A feverish child is treated by the community relayUSAID/StopPalu+/Flickr

Malaria Social and Behavior Change During COVID-19 Case Studies

These case studies show how Breakthrough ACTION and other creative programs re-strategized to overcome COVID-19 limitations on malaria prevention and treatment.
KAP COVID Dashboard: Country profiles with demographic disaggregations

KAP COVID Dashboard: Trust

This page has a set of reports from a 2020 global survey on knowledge, attitudes, and practices around COVID-19. These reports focus on the element of trust.