Reducing Child Marriage: A Shared Goal for Breakthrough ACTION in Malawi and Nepal
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION drew inspiration from work done to reduce child, early, and forced marriage in Malawi to reduce child marriages in Nepal.
Community Session: A Tool to Protect Community Against COVID-19 in Bangladesh
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION established a vaccine ambassador community engagement program in Bangladesh to raise awareness and counter misinformation about COVID-19.
Capacity Strengthening in Guyana Pays Off for Region 7
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Guyana, Breakthrough ACTION’s helped regional vector control teams secure more funding for malaria prevention and control.
Refining Solutions for Supporting Facility-Based Delivery in Liberia
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION developed a set of behaviorally informed solutions to address barriers and facilitate facility-based delivery for women in Liberia.
Création d’un espace pour l’innovation et la collaboration entre les professionnels du changement social et comportemental francophones
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION a créé un espace de collaboration pour les praticiens francophones du changement social et comportemental lors du Sommet SBCC 2022.
Creating a Space for Innovation and Collaboration Among French-Speaking Social and Behavior Change Professionals
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION created a space for francophone social and behavior change practitioners to collaborate during the 2022 SBCC Summit.
Building Trust and Empathy Around COVID-19 in Nigeria: What Have We Learned?
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION shares five lessons learned through its efforts to strengthen Nigerian community health workers’ capacity to respond to COVID-19.
Facing Malaria, the “Perennial Monster,” Through Faith and Community
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION worked with community and faith leaders to develop and deliver messages that promote lifesaving malaria prevention behaviors.
All hands on deck: Addressing the mental health crisis in Bangladesh
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION worked with governmental agencies and universities in Bangladesh to fill the gap between mental health needs and availability of care.