Building Behavioral Design Skills: Conversations with Breakthrough ACTION Innovators
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION’s work to build behavioral design capacity inspired a health official in Niger to develop innovative solutions for public health challenges.

From Child Bride to Future Nurse
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThanks to Breakthrough ACTION’s work to reduce child, early, and forced marriage, a teenage mother in Malawi was able to reclaim her dream of becoming a nurse.

What Works in Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Part 2: Co-Creating with Youth
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONAs part of a series on reproductive health (RH), Knowledge SUCCESS covered Breakthrough ACTION’s innovative campaign to improve youth RH in francophone Africa.

Updating the Global Shared Agenda for Social and Behavior Change in Family Planning/Reproductive Health
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION incorporated learnings from family planning (FP) programming pivots during COVID-19 into the new Global Shared Agenda for SBC in FP.

How to Use After-action Reviews to Learn and Improve: Lessons From the Breakthrough ACTION Guyana Team
Breakthrough ACTION English Guyana, Latin America & the Caribbean Malaria Case Study Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONThis case study showcases how Breakthrough ACTION used after-action reviews with Guyana’s Ministry of Health to develop a national malaria SBC strategy.

Using Human-Centered Design to Improve Malaria Outcomes in Regions 7 and 8
Breakthrough ACTION English Guyana, Latin America & the Caribbean Malaria Report Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONThis report describes how Breakthrough ACTION used human-centered design to understand care-seeking behaviors among miners in malaria-prone areas in Guyana.

Insights Report: Using Human-Centered Design to Strengthen Guyana’s Malaria Test and Treatment Adherence Program
Breakthrough ACTION English Guyana, Latin America & the Caribbean Malaria Website, Report Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONThis report describes the process and insights gained from applying human-centered design to develop solutions targeting malaria-related behaviors in Guyana.

Behavioral Barriers and Solutions for Child Feeding During and After Illness
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Democratic Republic of the Congo Provider Behavior Change, Nutrition, Maternal and Child Health Webinar, Fact Sheet/Brief Behavioral Science Breakthrough ACTIONThese brief summarizes results from research on behavioral barriers to child feeding after illness and suggests potential solutions.

Using Digital Technologies in Youth-Focused SBC Programs for FP/RH
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Youth, Sexual and Reproductive Health Video/Animation, Fact Sheet/Brief Digital Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief and accompanying videos describe five recommendations family planning programs can adopt when using digital technologies to reach youths.