Engaging Boys and Men in GBV Prevention and Reproductive Health in Conflict and Emergency-Response Settings: A Workshop Module
English Do, Care, Know Global Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff HIV, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender-based Violence Training Guide Small Group Sessions Agent of Change, Partner, Client/UserThis training module is for personnel working in conflict and other emergency-response settings who are interested in engaging boys and men in gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and reproductive health. This includes those managing or staffing…

Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning: A Strategic Planning Guide
Spanish, English, French, Portuguese Do, Care, Know Global Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff Sexual and Reproductive Health, Family Planning Technical Guide Gender-transformative, Social and Structural Change Partner, Client/User, Agent of ChangeThis document is intended to lead program managers, planners, and decision makers through a strategic process to identify effective investments for engaging men in efforts to improve sexual and reproductive health. In this guide, male engagement…

Reflection and Action Tool: Integrating a Life Course Approach in Programming with Boys & Men for Gender Equality
French, Spanish, English Global Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff Gender Norms Technical Guide Monitoring and Evaluation, Gender-transformative, Social and Structural Change Agent of Change, Partner, Client/UserThe Integrating a Life Course Approach in Programming with Boys & Men for Greater Gender Equality tool (“Reflection and Action Tool” for short) helps users apply a life course approach to programming with boys and men. Its purpose is…

Know, Care, Do: A Theory of Change for Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning
English, French Do, Care, Know Global Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff, "Community Leaders, Community Members Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health Online Course Service Delivery, Gender-transformative, Community Engagement, Social and Structural Change Agent of Change, Partner, Client/UserThis course is intended for program implementers who are working to increase and improve the engagement of men and boys in FP programs and services. Course participants will deepen their understanding of what engaging men and boys in FP means…

Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
English Know Global Government Partners, Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff Gender Norms, Sexual and Reproductive Health Technical Guide Advocacy, Gender-transformative, Community Engagement, Social and Structural Change Agent of Change, Partner, Client/UserThis tool is a living document that provides guidance on good partnership practices that promote strong relationships between civil society organizations and government representatives on engaging men and boys in gender equality and sexual and…