Essential Considerations for Engaging Men and Boys for Improved Family Planning Outcomes
English Do Global Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff Family Planning Other Monitoring and Evaluation, Gender-transformative Agent of Change, Partner, Client/UserThe purpose of this document is to increase understanding of the role that gender plays in family planning with a focus on men and boys, articulate a framework for male engagement that incorporates the transformation of inequitable gender norms…

A Policy Framework for Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning Programs and Services
English Do, Care, Know Global Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff Sexual and Reproductive Health, Family Planning Other Advocacy Agent of Change, Partner, Client/UserThis brief provides an overview of the Policy Framework for Male Engagement and shares examples of how it can be applied to strengthen the enabling environment for male engagement.

Male Engagement in Family Planning Indicator Brief
English Global Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff Family Planning Other Monitoring and EvaluationThis brief outlines 15 key indicators that ministries of health and organizations can use to inform the monitoring and evaluation of programs that encourage male engagement in family planning.

Male Engagement in Family Planning Indicators Database
English Global Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health Other Monitoring and Evaluation Agent of Change, Partner, Client/UserThe Family Planning and Reproductive Health Indicators Database provides a comprehensive listing of the most widely used indicators for evaluating family planning and reproductive health programs in low- and middle-income country contexts. The…

Male Engagement in Family Planning: Gaps in Monitoring and Evaluation
English Global Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff Family Planning Technical Guide Monitoring and EvaluationThis review makes several recommendations on how to improve the monitoring and evaluation of male engagement in family planning (FP) programs: using a standardized definition of male engagement in FP; including male engagement in national FP…

Tested Solutions for Engaging Men in Family Planning
English Do, Care Uganda Couples, Healthcare Providers/Staff, Men Sexual and Reproductive Health, Family Planning Toolkit Interpersonal Communication, Provider Behavior Change, Small Group Sessions Agent of Change, Partner, Client/UserThis design primer details the components of the behaviorally informed intervention used in The Scale-up and Capacity Building in Behavioral Science to Improve the Uptake of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services (SupCap) project in…

Male Engagement Session Guide
English Do, Care, Know Kenya Parents/Caregivers, Women, Men Family Planning, Gender Norms, Maternal and Child Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health Facilitator Manual Gender-transformative, Small Group Sessions Partner, Client/UserThis small group communication tool serves as a guide for facilitators to prompt discussions and activities about men and boys’ engagement in family planning and maternal, newborn, and child health. The guide is based on the education through…

Male Engagement in Family Planning: Gaps in Monitoring and Evaluation
English Global Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff Family Planning Technical Guide Monitoring and EvaluationThis review makes several recommendations on how to improve the M&E of male engagement in FP programs: using a standardized definition of male engagement in FP; including male engagement in national FP and RH strategies; using strong, high-quality…

Healthy Images of Manhood: A Facilitator Training Manual for Public and Private Sector Workplaces
English Do, Care, Know Global Men HIV, Gender Norms, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Family Planning Facilitator Manual Gender-transformative, Community Engagement Agent of Change, PartnerHIM is designed for use with men in workplaces and integrates gender, reproductive health, family planning, HIV/AIDS, and maternal and child health so that participants can understand how these health issues are connected. HIM aims to build…