Mother holding bowl for child to eat from

Building Behavioral Design Skills: Conversations with Breakthrough ACTION Innovators

Breakthrough ACTION’s work to build behavioral design capacity inspired a health official in Niger to develop innovative solutions for public health challenges.
Portrait of mother and child in Mali

Building Behavioral Design Skills: Conversations with Breakthrough ACTION Innovators

A Niger health official uses behavioral design skills to design and scale up high-impact interventions to improve postpartum family planning uptake.
Image de deux jeunes femmes et d'un jeune homme

Adapter les techniques innovantes pour le CSC en PF/SR : ressources de Transform/PHARE

Le projet Transform/PHARE a développé des approches innovantes pour optimiser la programmation du changement de comportement en matière de santé en PF.
Graphic of two young women and a young man

Adapting innovative techniques for SBC in FP/RH: Resources from Transform/PHARE

This blog post summarizes social and behavior change resources created by the USAID-funded Transform/PHARE project, available on the Compass.
Two men during an Merci Mon Héros interview

Can Social Listening and Social Media Monitoring Benefit Your SBC Activities?

This blog posts discusses ways family planning and reproductive health social and behavior change programs can use social media to gather information.

Accelerating Family Planning Demand Through Advanced Audience Segmentation

This blog post describes cases where advanced audience segmentation has been used to improve family planning outcomes in four West African countries.
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