A Tanzanian midwife in a health care clinicSheena Ariyapala/Department for International Development

Charting New Frontiers in Provider Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation

This blog post urges program implementers to monitor and evaluate each level of the provider behavior ecosystem and introduces tools they can use to do so.
Une femme enseigne à d'autres femmes au SénégalJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
A woman smiling and holding her young child in UgandaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Using SBC to Enhance Programs to End Child, Early, and Forced Marriage

This interactive webtool contains briefs about seven innovative social and behavior change approaches that support efforts to reduce child marriage.
How do we leverage social and behavior change to address the intersection of family planning and intimate partner violence?

Family Planning and Intimate Partner Violence: An Intersection Deserving of More Attention

This blog post explores the intersection of family planning (FP) and intimate partner violence and recommends resources FP practitioners may find helpful.
Two mothers holding their babies in South SudanCatharine McKaig/Jhpiego/Flickr

New Social Norms Taxonomy to Address Family Planning Challenges in East Africa

This blog post introduces a new social norms taxonomy that can help family planning (FP) practitioners in East Africa develop better FP programs.
Group of women meeting in DRCMONUSCO Myriam Asmani

Intersectionality: How do we stay true to the content behind the concept?

This blog post explains intersectionality and urges those in the health and social sectors to apply this concept to their work.
Cover of Guide pratique : Intégrer les normes sociales dans les programmes de CSC
From the real experts

We Don’t Have to Be Experts in Everything: Integrating Social Norms into SBC

This blog post introduces a set of tools to help social and behavior change practitioners better understand and integrate social norms into their work.
Cover of Getting Practical: Integrating Social Norms into SBC

Getting Practical: Integrating Social Norms into SBC

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This tool addresses the gap between formative social norms research and the other phases of the program design cycle to allow for adaptive programming.