Programme Super goBreakthrough ACTION

Super Go Young Women’s HIV Prevention Program

The Super Go program is designed to reach adolescent girls and young women to provide information and teach skills to avoid HIV-related risk behaviors.
Super tata : guide de mise en œuvreBreakthrough ACTION

Super Tata Women’s HIV Prevention Program

Super Tata is a program intended for women ages 30 and over to raise awareness of the risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
Couverture du manuel Frères pour la vieBreakthrough ACTION

Brothers for Life Men’s HIV Prevention Program

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Brothers for Life (Frères pour la vie) is a community health program that aims to reduce the rate of HIV infections among men by reducing risky behaviors.
Community health worker administering malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT) to a young child in Mali.PMI

Community Health Worker Literature Reviews

Literature reviews on community health workers, exploring demand generation, health system linkages, challenges, and solutions.
Nigerian woman reading a radio script on World Malaria Day