
Removing Roadblocks in a Woman’s Contraceptive Journey
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis story describes how Breakthrough ACTION worked with health agencies in the Philippines to design solutions to reduce contraception discontinuation.

What about the family planning and reproductive health needs of men and boys?
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis Breakthrough ACTION course aims to help programs serve the family planning and reproductive health needs of men and boys in a supportive and equitable way.

Présentation de la plateforme SBC Learning Central : Une nouvelle ressource pour mettre en place une base solide de professionnels qualifiés en matière de CSC dans le monde entire
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONLes cours fournissent des connaissances et des compétences fondamentales pour aider les professionnels de la santé publique à intégrer les approches du CSC.

Introducing SBC Learning Central: A New Resource to Create a Critical Mass of Skilled Practitioners Worldwide
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogSBC Learning Central courses provide foundational knowledge and skills to help public health professionals incorporate new SBC approaches and methodologies.

Refining Solutions for Supporting Facility-Based Delivery in Liberia
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION developed a set of behaviorally informed solutions to address barriers and facilitate facility-based delivery for women in Liberia.

Création d’un espace pour l’innovation et la collaboration entre les professionnels du changement social et comportemental francophones
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION a créé un espace de collaboration pour les praticiens francophones du changement social et comportemental lors du Sommet SBCC 2022.

Creating a Space for Innovation and Collaboration Among French-Speaking Social and Behavior Change Professionals
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION created a space for francophone social and behavior change practitioners to collaborate during the 2022 SBCC Summit.

Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning: Bridging the Gap Between Status Quo and Ideal
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONEngaging with men and boys as clients, partners, and agents of change in family planning can make it more gender equitable and effective.

Doing Digital Right: Five Recommendations on Reaching Youth about Contraception and Reproductive Health Online
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBased on extensive research, Breakthrough ACTION presents five recommendations for reaching youth about contraception and reproductive health online.