
A community health nurse gives medical advice to a mother holding an infant in Sierra LeoneMwangi Kirubi/PMI Impact Malaria/Flickr

Supporting Provider Behavior Change: An Experiential Workshop

Breakthrough ACTION will be hosting experiential workshops to introduce practitioners to tools that can help them enhance their provider behavior change work.
Niveaux potentiels d'influence sur les comportements en matière de PFBreakthrough ACTION

Banque d’indicateurs du changement social et de comportement dans le cadre de la planification familiale et de la prestation de services

Cette banque est un ensemble d’indicateurs types destinés à être utilisés dans les programmes de PF qui utilisent des approaches de CSC.
Top 5

Hit The Ground Running in 2022 With Our Top Five Resources

Breakthrough ACTION highlights its top five resources to help social and behavior change practitioners hit the ground running in the new year.
Graphic of three women with a megaphone

Understanding the Effects of Gender-Based Violence Across Health Areas

This blog post highlights the need to better understand the impact of gender-based violence across health areas, including family planning.
People celebratingBreakthrough ACTION

Gender Transformation: Understanding the Process and Outcomes

This blog post posits that programs must evaluate both process and outcomes to determine if their approaches are truly gender transformative.
A woman smiling and holding her young child in UgandaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Using SBC to Enhance Programs to End Child, Early, and Forced Marriage

This interactive webtool contains briefs about seven innovative social and behavior change approaches that support efforts to reduce child marriage.
How do we leverage social and behavior change to address the intersection of family planning and intimate partner violence?

Family Planning and Intimate Partner Violence: An Intersection Deserving of More Attention

This blog post explores the intersection of family planning (FP) and intimate partner violence and recommends resources FP practitioners may find helpful.
Two mothers holding their babies in South SudanCatharine McKaig/Jhpiego/Flickr

New Social Norms Taxonomy to Address Family Planning Challenges in East Africa

This blog post introduces a new social norms taxonomy that can help family planning (FP) practitioners in East Africa develop better FP programs.
A female health worker provides reproductive health and family planning counseling to a woman in SenegalJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Aligning Measures of Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning

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This blog post shows why social and behavior change practitioners need to go beyond output-level indicators and introduces resources on measuring outcomes.


A community health nurse gives medical advice to a mother holding an infant in Sierra LeoneMwangi Kirubi/PMI Impact Malaria/Flickr

Supporting Provider Behavior Change: An Experiential Workshop

Breakthrough ACTION will be hosting experiential workshops to introduce practitioners to tools that can help them enhance their provider behavior change work.
Niveaux potentiels d'influence sur les comportements en matière de PFBreakthrough ACTION

Banque d’indicateurs du changement social et de comportement dans le cadre de la planification familiale et de la prestation de services

Cette banque est un ensemble d’indicateurs types destinés à être utilisés dans les programmes de PF qui utilisent des approaches de CSC.
Top 5

Hit The Ground Running in 2022 With Our Top Five Resources

Breakthrough ACTION highlights its top five resources to help social and behavior change practitioners hit the ground running in the new year.
Graphic of three women with a megaphone

Understanding the Effects of Gender-Based Violence Across Health Areas

This blog post highlights the need to better understand the impact of gender-based violence across health areas, including family planning.
People celebratingBreakthrough ACTION

Gender Transformation: Understanding the Process and Outcomes

This blog post posits that programs must evaluate both process and outcomes to determine if their approaches are truly gender transformative.
A woman smiling and holding her young child in UgandaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Using SBC to Enhance Programs to End Child, Early, and Forced Marriage

This interactive webtool contains briefs about seven innovative social and behavior change approaches that support efforts to reduce child marriage.
How do we leverage social and behavior change to address the intersection of family planning and intimate partner violence?

Family Planning and Intimate Partner Violence: An Intersection Deserving of More Attention

This blog post explores the intersection of family planning (FP) and intimate partner violence and recommends resources FP practitioners may find helpful.
Two mothers holding their babies in South SudanCatharine McKaig/Jhpiego/Flickr

New Social Norms Taxonomy to Address Family Planning Challenges in East Africa

This blog post introduces a new social norms taxonomy that can help family planning (FP) practitioners in East Africa develop better FP programs.
A female health worker provides reproductive health and family planning counseling to a woman in SenegalJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Aligning Measures of Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning

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This blog post shows why social and behavior change practitioners need to go beyond output-level indicators and introduces resources on measuring outcomes.