Trusted Messages and Messengers Contribute to Life-Saving Malaria Prevention Campaigns in Benue
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Nigeria, Breakthrough ACTION worked with traditional and religious leaders to advance a campaign to protect children from malaria.
Promoting Antenatal Care Attendance and Preventing Malaria through Compound Meetings in Nigeria
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Nigeria, Breakthrough ACTION is using compound meetings to transform maternal health and malaria care mindsets and behaviors.
Connecting, Learning, and Collaborating to Achieve Zero Malaria Through Social and Behavior Change
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThe RBM Partnership to End Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Working's 10th Annual Meeting brought over 130 SBC experts together to learn from each other.
Présentation de la plateforme SBC Learning Central : Une nouvelle ressource pour mettre en place une base solide de professionnels qualifiés en matière de CSC dans le monde entire
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONLes cours fournissent des connaissances et des compétences fondamentales pour aider les professionnels de la santé publique à intégrer les approches du CSC.
Introducing SBC Learning Central: A New Resource to Create a Critical Mass of Skilled Practitioners Worldwide
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONSBC Learning Central courses provide foundational knowledge and skills to help public health professionals incorporate new SBC approaches and methodologies.
Capacity Strengthening in Guyana Pays Off for Region 7
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Guyana, Breakthrough ACTION’s helped regional vector control teams secure more funding for malaria prevention and control.
Facing Malaria, the “Perennial Monster,” Through Faith and Community
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION worked with community and faith leaders to develop and deliver messages that promote lifesaving malaria prevention behaviors.
Malaria SBC in Action: 25 Presentations, 18 Countries, 3 Languages, 2 Days
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogLed by Breakthrough ACTION, the RBM Partnership’s social and behavior change (SBC) working group brought experts together to discuss malaria SBC best practices.
Building Healthier Communities in Malawi Through Community Health Action Groups
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION improved malaria outcomes by enabling local ownership of malaria social and behavior change initiatives.