
A female emergency transport driverBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Nigeria Ward Development Committees Drive Community Action by Helping Women Get to Health Services

Breakthrough ACTION’s work enabled a community emergency system to transport thousands of women to facilities for antenatal care and child delivery.
Mother holding bowl for child to eat fromMohamad Al-Arief/World Bank

Building Behavioral Design Skills: Conversations with Breakthrough ACTION Innovators

Breakthrough ACTION’s work to build behavioral design capacity inspired a health official in Niger to develop innovative solutions for public health challenges.
Mother carrying baby girlArne Hoel/World Bank

Building Behavioral Design Skills: Conversations with Breakthrough ACTION Innovators

Breakthrough ACTION’s behavioral design training enabled a health official in Burkina Faso to design innovative solutions that address low ANC attendance rates.
International Women’s Day in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION

Advancing Gender Equality in Nigeria Through Women’s Empowerment Groups

This blog post celebrates International Women’s Day by highlighting how women’s empowerment groups Breakthrough ACTION works with advance gender equality.
Four health providers in Sud Kivu, DRC, stand around a desk looking over papersRaissa Rwizibuka

Barriers to Feeding Young Children Well During and After Illness: Insight from the DRC

This blog post captures insights gained from Breakthrough ACTION’s work to understand the barriers caregivers face in feeding children during and after illness.
Cover of the 2019 Francophone SBC Summit Report
A community health nurse gives medical advice to a mother holding an infant in Sierra LeoneMwangi Kirubi/PMI Impact Malaria/Flickr

Supporting Provider Behavior Change: An Experiential Workshop

Breakthrough ACTION will be hosting experiential workshops to introduce practitioners to tools that can help them enhance their provider behavior change work.

Using the Community Action Cycle to Build Trust in Guinea

Breakthrough ACTION increased antenatal care rates in Guinea from 25% to 75% by using community dialogues to build trust among women in local health facilities.
Children in Burkina FasoPhotoshare


A female emergency transport driverBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Nigeria Ward Development Committees Drive Community Action by Helping Women Get to Health Services

Breakthrough ACTION’s work enabled a community emergency system to transport thousands of women to facilities for antenatal care and child delivery.
Mother holding bowl for child to eat fromMohamad Al-Arief/World Bank

Building Behavioral Design Skills: Conversations with Breakthrough ACTION Innovators

Breakthrough ACTION’s work to build behavioral design capacity inspired a health official in Niger to develop innovative solutions for public health challenges.
Mother carrying baby girlArne Hoel/World Bank

Building Behavioral Design Skills: Conversations with Breakthrough ACTION Innovators

Breakthrough ACTION’s behavioral design training enabled a health official in Burkina Faso to design innovative solutions that address low ANC attendance rates.
International Women’s Day in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION

Advancing Gender Equality in Nigeria Through Women’s Empowerment Groups

This blog post celebrates International Women’s Day by highlighting how women’s empowerment groups Breakthrough ACTION works with advance gender equality.
Four health providers in Sud Kivu, DRC, stand around a desk looking over papersRaissa Rwizibuka

Barriers to Feeding Young Children Well During and After Illness: Insight from the DRC

This blog post captures insights gained from Breakthrough ACTION’s work to understand the barriers caregivers face in feeding children during and after illness.
Cover of the 2019 Francophone SBC Summit Report
A community health nurse gives medical advice to a mother holding an infant in Sierra LeoneMwangi Kirubi/PMI Impact Malaria/Flickr

Supporting Provider Behavior Change: An Experiential Workshop

Breakthrough ACTION will be hosting experiential workshops to introduce practitioners to tools that can help them enhance their provider behavior change work.

Using the Community Action Cycle to Build Trust in Guinea

Breakthrough ACTION increased antenatal care rates in Guinea from 25% to 75% by using community dialogues to build trust among women in local health facilities.
Children in Burkina FasoPhotoshare