A female emergency transport driverBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Nigeria Ward Development Committees Drive Community Action by Helping Women Get to Health Services

Breakthrough ACTION’s work enabled a community emergency system to transport thousands of women to facilities for antenatal care and child delivery.
The IPT show being conducted in BangladeshBreakthrough ACTION

Lights, Camera, Vaccination: The Impact of Interactive Theater in Reaching the Unreached

In Bangladesh, Breakthrough ACTION used interactive theater to bring COVID-19 vaccine messages to thousands of people in rural and other hard-to-reach areas.
Breakthrough ACTION program officer works on a laptop in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

The power of geospatial mapping to increase COVID-19 vaccinations

Breakthrough ACTION collaborated with Nigeria’s Kebbi State Government to use geospatial mapping to help increase COVID-19 vaccination rates.
Men's Health Month logo

What about the family planning and reproductive health needs of men and boys?

This Breakthrough ACTION course aims to help programs serve the family planning and reproductive health needs of men and boys in a supportive and equitable way.
SBC Learning Central

Présentation de la plateforme SBC Learning Central : Une nouvelle ressource pour mettre en place une base solide de professionnels qualifiés en matière de CSC dans le monde entire

Les cours fournissent des connaissances et des compétences fondamentales pour aider les professionnels de la santé publique à intégrer les approches du CSC.
SBC Learning Central

Introducing SBC Learning Central: A New Resource to Create a Critical Mass of Skilled Practitioners Worldwide

SBC Learning Central courses provide foundational knowledge and skills to help public health professionals incorporate new SBC approaches and methodologies.
Girl waving at an outdoor puppet show in BangladeshBreakthrough ACTION

From Football to Puppets: The Power of Strategic Communication

In Bangladesh, Breakthrough ACTION used enter-education activities such as a river show and football matches to promote COVID-19 prevention and vaccination.
Adolescent girls participate in a Breakthrough ACTION activity in NepalBreakthrough ACTION

Reducing Child Marriage: A Shared Goal for Breakthrough ACTION in Malawi and Nepal

Breakthrough ACTION drew inspiration from work done to reduce child, early, and forced marriage in Malawi to reduce child marriages in Nepal.
A 13 year old boy and 12 year old girl with signs about getting the COVID-19 vaccine in BangladeshBreakthrough ACTION

Community Session: A Tool to Protect Community Against COVID-19 in Bangladesh

Breakthrough ACTION established a vaccine ambassador community engagement program in Bangladesh to raise awareness and counter misinformation about COVID-19.