Adapting innovative techniques for SBC in FP/RH: Resources from Transform/PHARE
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post summarizes social and behavior change resources created by the USAID-funded Transform/PHARE project, available on the Compass.
Gender Equality Check-In Tool
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Gender Tool Breakthrough ACTIONThis tool can help you assess how gender transformative your social and behavior program is and how well you’ve incorporated gender into your activities.
Lessons from the COVID-19 Response
Breakthrough ACTION English Côte d’Ivoire, Cambodia, Burma, Ghana, South Africa, Guatemala, Philippines, Mozambique, Indonesia COVID-19 Tool, Case Study Monitoring and Evaluation, Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONRead about the lessons Breakthrough ACTION learned in the process of adapting social and behavior change programs during COVID-19.
Applying Segmentation to SBC in Family Planning Online Course
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Sexual and Reproductive Health Online Course Audience Segmentation Breakthrough ACTIONThis Global Health e-Learning Center course teaches how to use audience segmentation results to improve family planning and reproductive health programs.
Elevating Social and Behavior Change as an Essential Component of Family Planning Programs
Breakthrough ACTION English Sexual and Reproductive Health Peer-reviewed Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONExamine and use the data in this article to advocate for the use of social and behavior change approaches in your family planning programs.
“Ding!” The Power of Social Media and Behavior Change
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThe Compass website contains tools to help social and behavior change practitioners leverage social media to improve program outcomes.
Integrating Gender into the COVID-19 Vaccine Response: A Technical Brief
Breakthrough ACTION Spanish, French, English Gender, COVID-19 Fact Sheet/Brief Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief provides recommendations on integrating gender perspective into COVID-19 risk community and community engagement response.
MULTI-SBC: Programmatic Aid for Multisectoral Integration of Social and Behavior Change Programming
Breakthrough ACTIONA Compass web page has tools family planning social and behavior change practitioners can use to help them integrate their programs with new sectors.
Malaria Social and Behavior Change During COVID-19 Case Studies
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThese case studies show how Breakthrough ACTION and other creative programs re-strategized to overcome COVID-19 limitations on malaria prevention and treatment.