Father’s Club Manual on Engaging Men in Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health and in Sexual and Reproductive Health for the Multi-Country SHOW Program
English Do Bangladesh, Ghana, Haiti, Nigeria, Senegal Men Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health, Gender Norms Training Guide Small Group Sessions, Social and Structural Change, Gender-transformative Partner, Agent of ChangeThe overall objective of the Fathers Clubs is to promote men’s equitable and nonviolent involvement as partners in maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) and sexual and reproductive health (SRH). This manual contains a series of interactive…

Yaari Dosti: Young Men Redefine Masculinity, A Training Manual
English Know, Care, Do India Men Family Planning, Gender-based Violence, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health, Gender Norms, HIV Facilitator Manual Small Group Sessions, Social and Structural Change, Gender-transformative Client/User, PartnerThis training manual is adapted from the “Program H: Working with Young Men Series” developed in Brazil by Instituto PROMUNDO, for use in India. It promotes the positive aspects of masculinity, encourages men’s participation in sexual…

Program Ra Manual Second Edition
English Know, Care, Do Lebanon Men Family Planning, Gender-based Violence, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health, Gender Norms, HIV Facilitator Manual Small Group Sessions, Social and Structural Change, Gender-transformative Client/User, Partner, Agent of ChangeProgramme Ra is the adaptation of Equimundo’s Program H in the Middle East. Programme Ra was adapted for the Lebanese context with ABAAD–Resource Center for Gender Equality in order to promote discussion about gender with young men living…

Program H Working with Young Men
English Know, Care, Do Latin America and Caribbean Men Family Planning, Gender-based Violence, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health, Gender Norms, HIV Facilitator Manual Small Group Sessions, Social and Structural Change, Gender-transformative Client/User, Partner, Agent of ChangeThe Program H manual includes approximately 70 activities to carry out group work with young men (ages 15 to 24) on gender, sexuality, reproductive health, fatherhood and caregiving, violence prevention, emotional health, drug use, and preventing…

Program HMD: A Toolkit for Action
English, Spanish Do Global Men, Women Gender-based Violence, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender Norms, LGBTQIA+ inclusion Toolkit Small Group Sessions, Social and Structural Change, Gender-transformative Agent of ChangeThis toolkit presents the short version of the approach contained in Programs H (https://www.equimundo.org/resources/program-h-working-with-young-men/) and M. It seeks to make the model accessible so that an increasing number of teachers, facilitators,…

Know, Care, Do: A Theory of Change for Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning
English, French Know, Care, Do Global Community Members, Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff, "Community Leaders Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health Online Course Social and Structural Change, Community Engagement, Gender-transformative, Service Delivery Client/User, Partner, Agent of ChangeThis course is intended for program implementers who are working to increase and improve the engagement of men and boys in FP programs and services. Course participants will deepen their understanding of what engaging men and boys in FP means…

Facilitator’s Manual for Discussions on Gender, Sexuality, and Family Planning in Rural Tanzania
English Know, Care, Do Tanzania Couples Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion Facilitator Manual Gender-Transformative Approaches; Life Skills; Small Group Sessions, Interpersonal Communication Client/User, Partner, Agent of ChangeThis manual was designed to help facilitators lead a series of discussion exercises with young couples ages 18–35 to increase their use of modern contraception, improve couple communication about sex and family planning, and promote gender-equitable…

Training Package for Healthcare Professionals on Engaging Men in Prenatal Care
English Know, Care, Do Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine Healthcare Providers/Staff Family Planning, Gender-based Violence, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health, Service Delivery Training Guide Gender-transformative, Provider Behavior Change Client/User, Partner, Agent of ChangeThis training package was created to help healthcare professionals engage with men during pregnancy and childbirth and to promote active fatherhood. Accompanied by slides for use in presentations and including prenatal visit practice with role…

Guide for MenCare Partners on Training Health Providers: Male Engagement in MNCH and SRHR
English Know, Care, Do Bangladesh, Ghana, Haiti, Nigeria, Senegal Healthcare Providers/Staff, Community Health Workers Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health, Service Delivery Facilitator Manual Small Group Sessions, Community Engagement, Gender-transformative, Advocacy, Provider Behavior Change Client/User, Partner, Agent of ChangeThis guide outlines the rationale for and approach to engaging men in maternal, newborn, and child health and in sexual and reproductive health and rights, providing best practices for designing and implementing male engagement intervention…