Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria, in collaboration with the United States President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), worked with the Nigeria National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) and other partners to implement social and behavior change (SBC) programs across a third of Nigeria’s 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory. Through community engagement, provider behavior change initiatives, and widespread media campaigns, Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria and the NMEP ensured communities and health care workers were motivated to prevent, test, and accurately treat malaria.
Community-Based Stakeholder Job Aids
- Malaria Interpersonal Communication Guide [ Northern Nigeria | Southern Nigeria ]
- Malaria Community Discussion Guide
- Malaria Community Dialogue Tool
School-Based SBC Tools
- Rolling Back Malaria: Teachers’ Toolkit for Social and Behavior Change
- Teachers’ Guide for School Health Club Activities
- Mosquitoes and Ladders Game
- Student Malaria Protection Pledge
Mama Put Campaign
Television Spots
Audio Spots
- Season 1 [ English | Hausa | Igbo | Pidgin | Yoruba ]
- Season 2 [ English | Hausa | Igbo | Pidgin | Yoruba ]
- Season 3 [ English | Hausa | Igbo | Pidgin | Yoruba ]
Malaria Radio Spots
- My Car [ Hausa | Pidgin ]
- Champion [ Hausa | Pidgin ]
- Palm Oil [ Hausa | Pidgin ]
- Workshop [ Hausa | Pidgin ]
Provider Behavior Tools
- Applying Behavioral Science to Fever Case Management in Nigeria
- Nigeria Provider Behavior Change Tools and Resources
Learning Briefs and Blog Posts
- Adapting Malaria Programming in the Time of COVID-19
- Broadcasts that Save Lives: A Radio Show Anchor Spreads Crucial Malaria Health Information in Nigeria
- Engaging Religious Leaders to Prevent Malaria in Nigeria
Impact Stories and Videos
- Trusted Messages and Messengers Contribute to Life-Saving Malaria Prevention Campaigns in Benue
- Reducing Self-Medication by Prompting Care-Seeking During Household Visits in Nigeria
- Promoting Antenatal Care Attendance and Preventing Malaria Through Compound Meetings in Nigeria
- A Caregiver’s Experience Encourages Others to Protect Their Children Against Malaria
- Lead Mothers Protect a Million Children in Zamfara Against Malaria
- Leaving No One Behind: The First Nigerian Integrated Insecticide-Treated Nets and Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Campaign
- Using Community Health Dialogues to Encourage Prenatal Care Attendance and Prevent Malaria in Zamfara State, Nigeria
- Providing Protection Against Malaria By Increasing Access To Insecticide-Treated Nets in Kebbi State