In Nigeria, despite maternal, newborn, child health, and nutrition (MNCH+N) indicators improving in recent years, child mortality rates in Northern Nigeria remain among the highest in the world. Breakthrough ACTION sought to better understand the current landscape and to insight into the human experience of MNCH+N. The project learned that people’s values, needs, priorities, home environment, gender equity in decision making, and community, social, cultural, and religious factors influence MNCH+N health outcomes and behaviors. For example, many women do not have the agency or ability to make decisions—and take action—concerning pregnancy, childbirth, or childcare. Breakthrough ACTION’s solutions include bringing together community leaders, religious leaders, and women’s groups to develop an innovative campaign to support the adoption of healthy behaviors among communities in Northern Nigeria. This Nigeria MNCH+N Spotlight provides an overview of how Breakthrough ACTION applied the SBC Flow Chart to develop these solutions.

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