
A man collects water for testing in LiberiaAmiton Z. Lekpor

Using Testimonials to Drive Action: A Story of Hygiene Promotion in Liberia

In Liberia, Breakthrough ACTION combined the power of storytelling, technology, and collaboration to promote better hygiene.
Nine Guatemalan mothers gather outside to share experiences and learn from each other

Entre Nosotras: Guide to Form Support Circles

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Esta guía presenta una metodología grupal que promueve espacios de aprendizaje donde las madres comparten experiencias entre sí para aprender entre pares.
A Guatemalan grandmother washes the hands of her grandchildBreakthrough ACTION Guatemala

Data Collected by Breakthrough ACTION to Be Useful for Decision Makers for Years to Come

In Guatemala, Breakthrough ACTION created a dashboard that local governments can use to make data-driven decisions in a variety of health areas.


A man collects water for testing in LiberiaAmiton Z. Lekpor

Using Testimonials to Drive Action: A Story of Hygiene Promotion in Liberia

In Liberia, Breakthrough ACTION combined the power of storytelling, technology, and collaboration to promote better hygiene.
Nine Guatemalan mothers gather outside to share experiences and learn from each other

Entre Nosotras: Guide to Form Support Circles

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Esta guía presenta una metodología grupal que promueve espacios de aprendizaje donde las madres comparten experiencias entre sí para aprender entre pares.
A Guatemalan grandmother washes the hands of her grandchildBreakthrough ACTION Guatemala

Data Collected by Breakthrough ACTION to Be Useful for Decision Makers for Years to Come

In Guatemala, Breakthrough ACTION created a dashboard that local governments can use to make data-driven decisions in a variety of health areas.