Collective Effort is Key to Advancing SGM Youth’s Inclusion in FP/SRH Programs
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONA new brief urges the family planning and sexual and reproductive (FP/SRH) community to make FP/SRH programs more inclusive of sexual and gender minority youth.

USAID Mission Director’s Visit in Liberia Inspires Youth and Community Advocates
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONUSAID Liberia Mission Director’s visit to local schools inspires advocates, advancing USAID’s mission of promoting global prosperity and stability.

Capacity Strengthening in Guyana Pays Off for Region 7
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogIn Guyana, Breakthrough ACTION’s helped regional vector control teams secure more funding for malaria prevention and control.

Updating the Global Shared Agenda for Social and Behavior Change in Family Planning/Reproductive Health
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION incorporated learnings from family planning (FP) programming pivots during COVID-19 into the new Global Shared Agenda for SBC in FP.

Vasectomy Advocacy Materials to Improve Method Choice in Family Planning
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis article highlights how including vasectomy in family planning programs helps improve method choice and points readers to relevant advocacy materials.

Engaging Men as Contraceptive Users
This web tool has presentations, a message framework, case studies, and research family planning programs users can apply to advocate for including vasectomy.

Shared Agenda for Social and Behavior Change in Family Planning in the Ouagadougou Partnership Region
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health Technical Guide Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONThis shared agenda seeks to coordinate efforts among governments, funders, and implementers seeking to create an impact in FP through SBC interventions.

Underfunded and Underutilized: An Argument for Vasectomy Advocacy to Improve Method Choice
Breakthrough ACTION English Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health Report Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONThis report demonstrates why vasectomy must be put on the agendas of FP/RH stakeholders and includes detailed resources vasectomy advocates can use.

Vasectomy Message Framework: A Tool to Help Advocates Prepare for Conversations with Key Stakeholders
Breakthrough ACTION English Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health Model/Framework Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONThis framework includes concrete talking points, supporting evidence, and message selection guidance to advocate for the inclusion of vasectomy in FP/RH programs.