Changer les normes de genre en Afrique de l’Est et en Afrique du Sud : perspectives des pairs pour le changement social et de comportement dans le domaine de la planification familiale et de la santé reproductive
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONLa lutte contre les normes sociales et de genre est un élément essentiel pour parvenir à un changement durable dans le domaine de la planification familiale (PF) et de la santé reproductive (SR). Des normes profondément enracinées influencent…

Shifting Gender Norms in East and Southern Africa: Insights from Peers in Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning and Reproductive Health
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONAddressing social and gender norms is crucial to achieving sustainable change the field of family planning (FP) and reproductive health (RH). Deeply rooted norms often influence individuals’ access to services and decision making around their…

Making Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs a Real Pleasure
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION, The Pleasure Project, and 38 Pleasure Champions working in SBC, gender, and SRH are working to challenge the concept of pleasure.

Charting New Frontiers in Provider Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post urges program implementers to monitor and evaluate each level of the provider behavior ecosystem and introduces tools they can use to do so.

Planning and Implementing Family Planning and Reproductive Health Social and Behavior Change Programs Online Course
Breakthrough ACTION French Francophone West Africa Sexual and Reproductive Health Online Course Integration Breakthrough ACTIONCe cours guide les apprenants à travers les processus de définition des problèmes de santé, de test des interventions, et d'amélioration des prototypes.

Introducing the SBC Flow Chart
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post introduces a tool that help social and behavior change practitioners design integrated programs that address intractable health challenges.

Social and Behavior Change Flow Chart
Breakthrough ACTION English Guinea, Jamaica, Nigeria, Guyana Tuberculosis, Service Delivery, Malaria Toolkit Behavioral Science, Human-centered Design, Integration Breakthrough ACTIONUsing human-centered design principles, the SBC Flow Chart asks users to adopt a beginner's mind to identify new insights to solve public health problems.