Moving the Needle Towards Gender Transformation
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Democratic Republic of the Congo, Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo, Rwanda, Mali Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender Case Study Breakthrough ACTIONThis series of case studies showcase how real-world programs can integrate gender in ways that are culturally responsive and contextually appropriate.

Family Planning Social Norms Taxonomy for East Africa
Breakthrough ACTION English Rwanda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender Model/Framework Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION’s taxonomy for social norms can be used for research and program development for family planning interventions in East Africa.

Resources for Social and Behavior Change Advocacy in Family Planning
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Indonesia, Zambia, Rwanda, Nigeria Sexual and Reproductive Health Fact Sheet/Brief, Video/Animation Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONThese two short animations and accompanying briefs show how social and behavior change can support global- and country-level family planning goals.