Tips and Tricks from Indonesia for Designing Gender-Equitable Environments for Very Young Adolescents
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION’s partner in Indonesia shares a few tips on designing gender-equitable environments for very young adolescents.

Using the KAP COVID Dashboards to Convince the Vaccine Hesitant
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThis blog post introduces a dashboard public health practitioners can use to increase vaccine acceptance levels and reduce vaccination hesitancy.

Resources for Social and Behavior Change Advocacy in Family Planning
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Indonesia, Zambia, Rwanda, Nigeria Sexual and Reproductive Health Fact Sheet/Brief, Video/Animation Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONThese two short animations and accompanying briefs show how social and behavior change can support global- and country-level family planning goals.

KAP COVID Dashboard: Trust
This page has a set of reports from a 2020 global survey on knowledge, attitudes, and practices around COVID-19. These reports focus on the element of trust.

Social and Behavior Change for Postpartum Family Planning
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThis blog post highlights how social and behavior change can be used before, during, and after services to address postpartum family planning needs.