A community health worker uses a rapid malaria test on a young boy in ZambiaJennifer Somtore/USAID/Flickr
Niveaux potentiels d'influence sur les comportements en matière de PFBreakthrough ACTION

Banque d’indicateurs du changement social et de comportement dans le cadre de la planification familiale et de la prestation de services

Cette banque est un ensemble d’indicateurs types destinés à être utilisés dans les programmes de PF qui utilisent des approaches de CSC.
Top 5

Hit The Ground Running in 2022 With Our Top Five Resources

Breakthrough ACTION highlights its top five resources to help social and behavior change practitioners hit the ground running in the new year.
Person using the COVID Behaviors Dashboard on a laptopJohns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

COVID Behaviors Dashboard Webinar Recap: How are the Data Used?

This blog post shares three takeaways from a webinar about how organizations used the COVID Behaviors Dashboard to improve their COVID-19 response work.
Graphic of three women with a megaphone

Understanding the Effects of Gender-Based Violence Across Health Areas

This blog post highlights the need to better understand the impact of gender-based violence across health areas, including family planning.
Graphic image showing a family of five
Cover of Advancing Male Engagement

Advancing Male Engagement in FP/RH: An Advocacy Tool

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This guide helps family planning practitioners advocate for investments, commitment, and implementation of male engagement efforts.
International Mens Day November 19

Building Better Relations Between Men and Women Through Premarital Counseling

Breakthrough ACTION piloted premarital counseling in Nigeria to promote better relationships and gender equality, leading to better health outcomes.

Breakthrough ACTION at 2021 ASTMH Annual Meeting

At the 2021 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene meeting, Breakthrough ACTION presents on social and behavior change tuberculosis and malaria.