Hit The Ground Running in 2022 With Our Top Five Resources
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION highlights its top five resources to help social and behavior change practitioners hit the ground running in the new year.

COVID Behaviors Dashboard Webinar Recap: How are the Data Used?
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post shares three takeaways from a webinar about how organizations used the COVID Behaviors Dashboard to improve their COVID-19 response work.

Understanding the Effects of Gender-Based Violence Across Health Areas
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post highlights the need to better understand the impact of gender-based violence across health areas, including family planning.

Know, Care, Do: A Theory of Change for Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning
Breakthrough ACTION Spanish, French, English Male Engagement, Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health Model/Framework Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION developed a theory of change to help family planning practitioners engage more effectively with men and boys.

Advancing Male Engagement in FP/RH: An Advocacy Tool
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Male Engagement, Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health Tool Breakthrough ACTIONThis guide helps family planning practitioners advocate for investments, commitment, and implementation of male engagement efforts.

Building Better Relations Between Men and Women Through Premarital Counseling
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION piloted premarital counseling in Nigeria to promote better relationships and gender equality, leading to better health outcomes.

Breakthrough ACTION at 2021 ASTMH Annual Meeting
Breakthrough ACTIONAt the 2021 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene meeting, Breakthrough ACTION presents on social and behavior change tuberculosis and malaria.

Gender Transformation: Understanding the Process and Outcomes
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post posits that programs must evaluate both process and outcomes to determine if their approaches are truly gender transformative.

Moving the Needle Towards Gender Transformation
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Mali, Rwanda, Togo, Niger, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Francophone West Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender Case Study Breakthrough ACTIONThis series of case studies showcase how real-world programs can integrate gender in ways that are culturally responsive and contextually appropriate.