Nurse providing antenatal counseling to a pregnant woman in UgandaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Placing Empathy at the Heart of Provider Behavior Change: A Toolkit

This article describes how and why Breakthrough ACTION developed a toolkit that places empathy at the heart of provider behavior change.
Women of ACTION collage

Celebrating Women of ACTION

To mark International Women’s Day, Breakthrough ACTION project launched a video series to feature eight dedicated women from across the project.
Cover of the 2019 Francophone SBC Summit Report
A community core group meeting in Guinea

Building Trust in the Guinean Public Health System: A Story of Intentional Partnership

Breakthrough ACTION leverages strategic partnerships to improve Guinean’s trust in their public health system.
App icons on a screenThomas Ulrich/Pixabay

“Ding!” The Power of Social Media and Behavior Change

The Compass website contains tools to help social and behavior change practitioners leverage social media to improve program outcomes.
A mother holding her babyU.Ozel.Images/Getty Images
infographic screenshot

Exploring Pathways to Social and Behavior Change Impact

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This graphic can be used to advocate for increased investments in SBC and to start conversations about the need to prioritize SBC investments.
A Nigerian patient using a Tuberculosis drugWHO

Getting Back to Good Health Faster

This blog post describes how Breakthrough ACTION used a human-centered approach to increase tuberculosis case detection and save lives.
An Indian woman harvesting flowers and talking on a phone In a field of marigoldsKuntal Kumar Roy/Photoshare

Press 1 for Yes, 2 for No. Using Interactive Voice Response for Social and Behavior Change Programs

This blog post describes how interactive voice response can reach populations with low literacy and internet use but have high mobile ownership.