Using Digital Mobile Technology to Complement Community and Mass Media Interventions

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These briefs describe how Breakthrough ACTION used mobile technology to share health messaging, disseminate mobile reminders, and as a learning tool.

Nigeria Provider Behavior Change Learning Briefs

These learning briefs detail how Breakthrough ACTION worked with health care providers in Nigeria to provide quality services.
Malaria diagnostic training in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Pharath Lim/PMI
Community health worker administering malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT) to a young child in Mali.PMI

Community Health Worker Literature Reviews

Literature reviews on community health workers, exploring demand generation, health system linkages, challenges, and solutions.
Girls in Nepal gather to discuss reducing child, early, and forced marriageRajesh Ghimire

Understanding Child, Early, and Forced Marriage in Nepal

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This report provides an in-depth look at the Reducing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage (R-CEFM) project led by Breakthrough ACTION in Nepal’s Madhesh Province.