A Senegalese mother holds her toddlerArne Hoel/World Bank/Flickr

A Taxonomy for Social Norms that Influence Family Planning in Ouagadougou Partnership Countries

This taxonomy was developed to group similar family planning social norms identified in the Ouagadougou Partnership region of francophone West Africa.
Mother smiles at her baby girlCamber Collective

Amélioration des Programmes de Planification Familiale au Niger grâce aux Approches Synchronisées selon le Genre

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Ce rapport résume les événements du Sommet francophone 2019 sur le CSC et met en lumière les principales idées générées pendant le sommet.
Mother smiles at her baby girlCamber Collective

Improving Family Planning Programming in Niger Through Gender Synchronized Approaches

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This report and report summary provide key gender recommendations and considerations for implementing partners of family planning programs in Niger.
Cover art showing Ouagadougou Partnership countries on a map and a three person family

Shared Agenda for Social and Behavior Change in Family Planning in the Ouagadougou Partnership Region

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This shared agenda seeks to coordinate efforts among governments, funders, and implementers seeking to create an impact in FP through SBC interventions.
A mother holding a babySouleymane Bathieno/HP+ Project (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Comprehensive Formative Research on Health Beliefs, Practices, and Behaviors in Mali

This report describes the results of three phases of formative research, including a literature review, focus groups, and a quantitative exit interviews.
Homepage of the Malaria Behavior Survey

Malaria Behavior Survey

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This is a cross-sectional household survey of malaria-related behaviors and the factors that drive or inhibit them.
Cover of Getting Practical: Integrating Social Norms into SBC

Getting Practical: Integrating Social Norms into SBC

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This tool addresses the gap between formative social norms research and the other phases of the program design cycle to allow for adaptive programming.
A nurse teaches her team how to conduct a malaria rapid diagnostic test in GhanaEmmanuel Attramah/PMI Impact Malaria/Flickr

Blueprint for Applying Behavioral Insights to Malaria Service Delivery

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This document seeks to bridge silos by outlining steps for approaching provider behavior change to facilitate coordination in malaria service delivery.
An Indian coupleVespia, M., 2017

From Vision to Action: Guidance for Implementing the Circle of Care Model

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This resource provides guidance for implementing the Circle of Care Model and developing social and behavior change for service delivery initiatives.