A pregnant woman receives a mosquito net at her prenatal visitPresident's Malaria Initiative/Flickr

Audience Segmentation for Malaria Online Course

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This course teaches how to encourage antimalarial acceptance and uptake by employing audience segmentation based on attitudes and behaviors of populations.
Women wait to receive sexual reproductive health services and counseling at a mobile clinic in rural SenegalJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Shifting Social and Gender Norms as Part of Social and Behavior Change, Part 1 Online Course

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Part 1 of this course offers an overview of social and gender norms and an introduction to using norms assessments for designing SBC programs.
Young mothers receive family planning information from a female community health worker in UgandaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Increasing Investment in SBC for FP/RH

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This brief presents findings on behavioral barriers to increased investment in social and behavior change for family planning and reproductive health.
Two older adults with surgical masks and bandages after getting vaccinated in New York CityU.S. Navy Medicine

Audience Segmentation for Vaccination Toolkit

This toolkit teaches how to encourage vaccine acceptance and uptake by employing segmentation based on attitudes and behaviors of the intended audience.
A group of young mothers gather for a session on self empowermentJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
Two people sitting in café looking at a phone togetherAugust de Richelieu/Pexels
Congolese mother breastfeeding her babyPitshou Budiongo/ideas42

Behavioral Design to Inform Social and Behavior Change for Nutrition Online Course

This course offers a hands-on introduction to behavioral science and behavioral design, and how these approaches can be applied to nutrition challenges.
People wearing face masks waiting inside an auditorium to get the COVID-19 vaccine for freeSuprabhat Dutta/iStock