Two women and their babies receiving post natal care at a health center in SenegalJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Leveraging Human-Centered Design for Family Planning

This brief highlights opportunities and recommendations for using human-centered design (HCD) in family planning programs based on the existing evidence.
Mother smiles at her baby girlCamber Collective

Improving Family Planning Programming in Niger Through Gender Synchronized Approaches

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This report and report summary provide key gender recommendations and considerations for implementing partners of family planning programs in Niger.
Woman carrying a baby in a sling on her back

Advancing Postpartum Hemorrhage Care Approach in Madagascar

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The research briefs and a research article on this page describe the development of solutions to prevent, detect, and treat postpartum hemorrhage in Madagascar.
Women waiting to receive antenatal counseling and checkups at a clinic in UgandaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Resources for Social and Behavior Change Advocacy in Family Planning

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These two short animations and accompanying briefs show how social and behavior change can support global- and country-level family planning goals.
Thumbnail of two infographics

Assessing Current Practices and Behavioral Determinants of Health Outcomes Among Women in Northern Nigeria

This page contains three infographics summarizing the results of research on health practices and behavioral determinants of health outcomes in Nigeria.
A man interviews another man on videoMerci Mon Héros
Nigerian mother holding babyAdrian Brooks/Photoshare
After services: SBC boosts adherence and maintenance

Circle of Care Model: After Stage

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This brief helps service providers understand how to use social and behavior change to encourage sustained healthy behaviors after service delivery.
During services: SBC improves the client-provider interaction

Circle of Care Model: During Stage

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This brief helps service providers understand how social and behavior approaches can improve client–provider interaction.