Generating Evidence to Inform Integrated Social and Behavior Change Programming in Nigeria
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Nigeria Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Maternal and Child Health, Youth Fact Sheet/Brief, Peer-reviewed, Presentation Slides, Report, Webinar Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThis series of briefs, webinars, and slide decks discuss results will help to improve the delivery of integrated SBC programming across health areas and behaviors.

Applying Behavioral Economics to Improve Women’s Experience with Maternal Care in Zambia
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Zambia Maternal and Child Health Fact Sheet/Brief, Peer-reviewed, Presentation Slides, Webinar Behavioral Science Breakthrough RESEARCHThis page has resources about behavioral economics-informed solutions to improve labor and delivery care experience for women in Zambia.

Overcoming Barriers to Tuberculosis Care in the Philippines
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Philippines Tuberculosis Peer-reviewed Behavioral Science Breakthrough RESEARCHThis article summarizes research on issues related to the underutilization of clinical services for tuberculosis in the Philippines.

Preventing Zika in Latin America and the Caribbean
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, Spanish Honduras, Latin America & the Caribbean, Guatemala, El Salvador, Dominican Republic Global Health Security Fact Sheet/Brief, Peer-reviewed, Report Breakthrough RESEARCHThese briefs and articles contain findings and lessons learned gleaned from studies on the behavioral aspects of Zika virus prevention.