Breakthrough RESEARCH Legacy Area: Provider Behavior Change
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Provider Behavior Change Case Study, Fact Sheet/Brief, Literature Review, Online Course, Peer-reviewed, Presentation Slides, Tool, Webinar Breakthrough RESEARCHThese resources help social and behavior change professionals better understand the drivers of health care provider behaviors.
Empathways Adaptations
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo, Indonesia, Nepal Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery, Youth Tool, Website Breakthrough ACTIONThis page contains information about adapting Empathways, a card activity, for use in a variety of health areas to build provider-client trust.
Engaging Men as Contraceptive Users: Materials for Vasectomy Advocates
Breakthrough ACTION English Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Male Engagement, Service Delivery Interactive, Tool, Website Advocacy, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION’s package of evidence-based resources can help family planning program planners advocate for the inclusion of vasectomy.
Advancing Male Engagement in FP/RH: An Advocacy Tool
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Male Engagement Tool Breakthrough ACTIONThis guide helps family planning practitioners advocate for investments, commitment, and implementation of male engagement efforts.
Gender Equality Check-In Tool
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Gender Tool Breakthrough ACTIONThis tool can help you assess how gender transformative your social and behavior program is and how well you’ve incorporated gender into your activities.
Lessons from the COVID-19 Response
Breakthrough ACTION English Burma, Cambodia, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Mozambique, South Africa, Philippines, Guatemala COVID-19 Case Study, Tool Community Engagement, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONRead about the lessons Breakthrough ACTION learned in the process of adapting social and behavior change programs during COVID-19.
Empathways Print Files
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Sexual and Reproductive Health, Provider Behavior Change, Youth Tool Breakthrough ACTIONThese resources complement Empathways, a card activity designed to foster trust between family planning service providers and their young clients.
Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Sexual and Reproductive Health, Provider Behavior Change Fact Sheet/Brief, Implementation Guidance, Tool, Video/Animation, Website Breakthrough ACTIONThis tool helps family planning and reproductive health program designers think more holistically about provider behavior change.
Applying Behavioral Science to Fever Case Management in Nigeria
Breakthrough ACTION English Nigeria Malaria Implementation Guidance, Peer-reviewed, Report, Tool Behavioral Science Breakthrough ACTIONThis page contains resources Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria developed to help health care providers adhere to fever case management guidelines.