Insights Report: Using Human-Centered Design to Strengthen Guyana’s Malaria Test and Treatment Adherence Program
Breakthrough ACTION English Guyana, Latin America & the Caribbean Malaria Website, Report Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONThis report describes the process and insights gained from applying human-centered design to develop solutions targeting malaria-related behaviors in Guyana.
Encouraging Counseling that Promotes Meaningful Choice: Behavioral Design for Provider Behavior Change in Malawi
Breakthrough ACTION English Malawi Provider Behavior Change, Sexual and Reproductive Health Case Study Human-centered Design, Behavioral Science Breakthrough ACTIONThis case study describes how Breakthrough ACTION used behavioral design to understand family planning provider behavior in Malawi and offers seven insights.
When Knowing the Protocol is Not Enough: Behavioral Design for Provider Behavior Change in Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment in Nigeria
Breakthrough ACTION English Nigeria Provider Behavior Change, Malaria Case Study Behavioral Science, Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONThis case study shows how provider environment and experiences impact malaria testing and treatment guideline compliance in Nigeria and offers three insights.
Leveraging Connections Between Client and Provider Behavior: Behavioral Design for Provider Behavior Change in Zambia
Breakthrough ACTION English Zambia Provider Behavior Change, Maternal and Child Health Case Study Human-centered Design, Behavioral Science Breakthrough ACTIONBased on Breakthrough ACTION’s work in Zambia, this case study examines how health care providers' environments impact their ability to provide quality care.
Seeking Breakthroughs in SBC at the Intersection of Family Planning and Intimate Partner Violence – Expert Consultation Materials
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Kenya, Ghana, Bangladesh Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health Website, Webinar, Presentation Slides, Interactive, Fact Sheet/Brief Human-centered Design, Behavioral Science, Audience Segmentation Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION hosted an expert consultation on intimate partner violence and family planning. This page hosts downloadable presentations and research.
Leveraging Human-Centered Design for Family Planning
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Sexual and Reproductive Health Fact Sheet/Brief Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief highlights opportunities and recommendations for using human-centered design (HCD) in family planning programs based on the existing evidence.
Social and Behavior Change Flow Chart
Breakthrough ACTION English Guyana, Guinea, Nigeria, Jamaica Tuberculosis, Service Delivery, Malaria Toolkit Human-centered Design, Behavioral Science, Integration Breakthrough ACTIONUsing human-centered design principles, the SBC Flow Chart asks users to adopt a beginner's mind to identify new insights to solve public health problems.