There's Gold in Social and Behavior Change visual essayBreakthrough ACTION Guyana

Insights Report: Using Human-Centered Design to Strengthen Guyana’s Malaria Test and Treatment Adherence Program

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This report describes the process and insights gained from applying human-centered design to develop solutions targeting malaria-related behaviors in Guyana.
A nurse counseling a pregnant woman at her checkupJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
A community health worker performs a malaria rapid diagnostic test on a sick childPMI Impact Malaria/Flickr
A community health worker uses a rapid malaria test on a young boy in ZambiaJennifer Somtore/USAID/Flickr
Age and social time graphicUSAID
Two women and their babies receiving post natal care at a health center in SenegalJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Leveraging Human-Centered Design for Family Planning

This brief highlights opportunities and recommendations for using human-centered design (HCD) in family planning programs based on the existing evidence.
Phase 1 Define: Mine existing knowledge, Intent statement, Deepen understanding; Phase 2 Design & Test: Imagine, Refine, Prototype, Test; Phase 3 Apply: Implement & Monitor, Evaluate & Refine, Adapt & ScaleBreakthrough ACTION

Social and Behavior Change Flow Chart

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Using human-centered design principles, the SBC Flow Chart asks users to adopt a beginner's mind to identify new insights to solve public health problems.