
Shifting Narratives About Gender in Tanzania: Refining Roles for Men in Reproductive and Maternal Health
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Tanzania, Breakthrough ACTION is improving reproductive and maternal health outcomes by engaging men and redefining gender roles.

Family Empathways
Breakthrough ACTION French Youth, Sexual and Reproductive Health Tool, Interactive Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONCes cartes sont une activité conçue pour emmener les jeunes et leurs parents dans un voyage dynamique et engageant.

Community Empathways
Breakthrough ACTION French Francophone West Africa Sexual and Reproductive Health, Youth Video/Animation, Tool, Interactive, Implementation Guidance Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONCes cartes sont une activité conçue pour emmener les jeunes et les leaders adultes de leur communauté dans un voyage dynamique et engageant.

Community Dialogue Guide and Image Box to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination in Guinea
Breakthrough ACTION French Guinea COVID-19 Tool, Technical Guide Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONDeux outils conçus pour renforcer l'engagement communautaire et promouvoir l'acceptation du vaccin COVID-19 : le guide de dialogue communautaire et les images.

Outcome Harvesting in Guinea Reveals the Depth of the Breakthrough ACTION’s Impact
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Guinea, Breakthrough ACTION used outcome harvesting, a flexible and retrospective monitoring method, to capture activity impact.

Starting Off Right: Mentorship Begins With Empathy
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Nepal, Jhpiego is using a card activity developed by Breakthrough ACTION to empower adolescents to choose and practice healthy reproductive behaviors.

Improving Demand Generation for COVID-19 Vaccination Through Privately Owned Community Pharmacies
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONFive lessons learned from Breakthrough ACTION’s work with community pharmacies to increase COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and uptake in Nigeria.

Promoting Healthy Nutrition Behaviors Through Community Mobilization in Rural Nigeria
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION worked with community health workers to promote healthy nutrition behaviors in Nigeria.

Nigeria Ward Development Committees Drive Community Action by Helping Women Get to Health Services
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION’s work enabled a community emergency system to transport thousands of women to facilities for antenatal care and child delivery.

Shifting Narratives About Gender in Tanzania: Refining Roles for Men in Reproductive and Maternal Health
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Tanzania, Breakthrough ACTION is improving reproductive and maternal health outcomes by engaging men and redefining gender roles.

Family Empathways
Breakthrough ACTION French Youth, Sexual and Reproductive Health Tool, Interactive Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONCes cartes sont une activité conçue pour emmener les jeunes et leurs parents dans un voyage dynamique et engageant.

Community Empathways
Breakthrough ACTION French Francophone West Africa Sexual and Reproductive Health, Youth Video/Animation, Tool, Interactive, Implementation Guidance Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONCes cartes sont une activité conçue pour emmener les jeunes et les leaders adultes de leur communauté dans un voyage dynamique et engageant.

Community Dialogue Guide and Image Box to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination in Guinea
Breakthrough ACTION French Guinea COVID-19 Tool, Technical Guide Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONDeux outils conçus pour renforcer l'engagement communautaire et promouvoir l'acceptation du vaccin COVID-19 : le guide de dialogue communautaire et les images.

Outcome Harvesting in Guinea Reveals the Depth of the Breakthrough ACTION’s Impact
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Guinea, Breakthrough ACTION used outcome harvesting, a flexible and retrospective monitoring method, to capture activity impact.

Starting Off Right: Mentorship Begins With Empathy
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Nepal, Jhpiego is using a card activity developed by Breakthrough ACTION to empower adolescents to choose and practice healthy reproductive behaviors.

Improving Demand Generation for COVID-19 Vaccination Through Privately Owned Community Pharmacies
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONFive lessons learned from Breakthrough ACTION’s work with community pharmacies to increase COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and uptake in Nigeria.

Promoting Healthy Nutrition Behaviors Through Community Mobilization in Rural Nigeria
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION worked with community health workers to promote healthy nutrition behaviors in Nigeria.

Nigeria Ward Development Committees Drive Community Action by Helping Women Get to Health Services
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION’s work enabled a community emergency system to transport thousands of women to facilities for antenatal care and child delivery.